The year was 1787. The Continental Army had only recently won history’s most decisive war for independence having defeated the most powerful military known to man. Although the country gained its independence, there were significant questions whether it would ultimately survive. The odds were not in our favor.
Although now independent, America was made up of a small group of loosely confederated States resting on the Articles of Confederation as its primary governing document. With significant challenges related to war debt, international trade and interstate commerce to name a few, it became evident to our Founding Fathers that the time had come to call for a Convention, the purpose of which was to strengthen the federal government and draw up the guiding principles upon which our government would operate.
Convening in Philadelphia in May of 1787 and operating until September of that same year, representatives from the former 13 colonies (with the exception of Rhode Island) assembled and ultimately crafted what we know today as the United States Constitution which along with the Declaration of Independence are widely recognized as the two most important documents associated with human freedom and liberty.
Although the deliberations at the Constitutional Convention weren’t recorded per se, we do have a number of accounts, the most extensive being James Madison’s notes.
Reviewing James Madison’s notes provides amazing insight into the debate amongst the delegates. In particular, by reviewing Madison’s notes, one can clearly see the struggle the delegates had in establishing not only the separation of powers we enjoy but attempting to establish a stronger federal government without neutering the States or trampling on individual rights.
Another common theme that is evident in Madison’s notes is the fear of creating an Aristocracy.
When evaluating our Founding Fathers, it is quite clear that, with few exceptions, these were the most prominent men of their times. They were highly educated, worldly, the key business leaders of their time and a group we might today call ‘elite’. Given their position, they could have easily taken an approach designed to cement their importance and power over the people. Certainly, there are questions that arise with respect to select delegates and whether some of their positions were tied to personal gain vs. what might be in the best interest of the country. Although this is the case, the overwhelming evidence points to a group that abhorred Aristocracy, feared its potential impact on personal freedom and liberty and were motivated to take every action needed to thwart its growth.
Fast forward to today and our Founders would scarcely believe what has happened. They would be disheartened to see the makings of today’s ‘American Aristocracy’ comprised of politicians of both parties, large corporations, the media, entertainment and academia. They would be troubled by the actions taken by this Aristocracy to thwart the will of the American people and to enrich themselves at the expense and security of the nation. Our Founders would regurgitate when confronted with the lack of willingness to secure our borders and how the Aristocracy is attempting to subvert American sovereignty by selling out to organizations such as the World Health Organization and the United Nations.
Frankly our Founders would hardly recognize the country they labored so hard to establish and the freedoms and liberties they held dear as enumerated in the Constitution. And above all, as outlined in Madison’s notes and the many deliberations concerning the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, our Founders would be concerned for the survival of our Republic given the complete lack of loyalty today’s American Aristocracy exhibits towards America and its citizens.
If you’re a member of the American Aristocracy, congratulations you are a part of a small but powerful group. One thing to keep in mind however is that your group is small. While the American Aristocracy exerts tremendous influence through its stranglehold on politics, media, education and large business it doesn’t have the one attribute needed for long-term viability – the support of the people.
We are beginning to witness a sea change in our nation. An awakening where people are beginning to desire to re-capture their liberty and one where despite their propaganda the American Aristocracy is being exposed for the self-serving group it has become.
As Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction”. On the other hand, it’s also only one generation from rebirth!
Tired of the Washington establishment and the American Aristocracy? If so, in addition to voting incumbent politicians out of office there is a way to lessen the damage being caused by lifetime politicians. It’s called the Article V Convention of States and it’s a movement of citizens of all political parties who are tired of the status quo. Article V of the Constitution provides a mechanism for the States to call for a Constitutional Convention to amend the Constitution. How do amendments for Congressional Term Limits and a Balanced Budget sound? If they sound good to you click here to sign the Article V Convention of States petition and begin putting pressure on your State legislators to call for a Convention.
America was never designed to have an Aristocracy but this is where we find ourselves today. The time has come to dismantle the American Aristocracy and in doing so, bring the nation back to the beacon of freedom and liberty it was intended to be.
May God Bless America!
To learn more about the deliberations at the Constitutional Convention and during the first Congress check out the following books:
“The Constitutional Convention – A Narrative History from the Notes of James Madison” – Larson, Winship
“Creating the Bill of Rights – The Documentary Record of the First Federal Congress” – Veit, Bowling, Bickford Editors
Next Up: You Can’t Hide Those Lying Eyes